Amy Sea
Jul 19, 2021


You’re probably right about the spatula. Lol. It would be hilarious or traumatic or titillating (fine line) to get breast massages from a technician. I always end up writing about medical stuff because it’s so odd. It’s the only upside of going to the doctor; getting new material. It is funny that we can get a billionaire to place, but we still have to smash boobs into crepes. In my last two appointments, the bedside manner was too good, too chatty. I know I’m partly/entirely to blame since I bring questions. I do prefer chatter to silence and being treated like a hamburger. As far as the morgue guy is concerned, I hope she’s British and friendly. Be well. Stay healthy.



Amy Sea

100 X Top Writer, Editor— MuddyUm Editor, Breast Stories Editor-in-Chief — Comedian, Satirist, Humorist, Top Writer. Publisher of Breast Stories.