Member-only story
Redefining the sick day.
What do you do when your kid wake-up sick these days?
- You take their temperature. Hand them the thermometer. With digital, they can read their own. You keep hearing it beep, as they retake it over and over.
- You say, “Is it not giving you the temperature you were hoping for?”
- You listen to them run up the stairs, turn on the hot water, come down to tell you it’s 101.4. They hand you the hot thermometer.
- You tell them, “I know that trick.” You remember holding the thermometer up to a lightbulb.
- Finally, they confess. “I’ll work all day long, but I need a Zoom break.”
- You email the teachers. “Eric is staying home today.” You laugh at your joke. You hope his teacher thinks you’re clever.
- You make a plan. Elizabeth Warren should be credited for putting those three words into our general population. Repeatedly, she said, “I have a plan for that.” Never were we so aware of how unplanful we were compared to Elizabeth Warren.
- You make a list of their classes.
- You write a to-do list.
- You do your best.
- You remind yourself that nothing is normal so everything is okay.